Tips : Install .Net 3.5 of Windows Feature when under Proxy

Hi There,

We recently had a problem with our Windows 10 to Install .Net 3.5 of Windows Feature when under Proxy. We found out that the installer of Windows has the said installer with it but needs to be triggered by the following steps:

1. Run CMD as Administrator
2. DISM /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:D:\sources\sxs

Where as, D:\sources\sxs is the extracted copy of the the sources\sxs

If you are going to follow this steps make sure that the source of the installer is the same installer used to install the current OS (Windows 10 = Windows 10, Windows Server 2022 = Windows Server 2022).

God Bless!


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