Category Archives: PHP

The Computer Science Web Team Tools

CS Web Team Tools

During my OJT I was given the spare time to create this tool that we can use on our organization for our activities. This is because we were done developing our project and waiting for the test runs to finish. So briefly here are the features of the site:

  1. ID Printing
  2. Seminar Registration
  3. Seminar Certificate Printing
  4. General Assembly Registration
  5. General Assembly Raffle Draw



The Adamson Chronicle Website

Here is another website I have developed together with my partner, Calbin Montalban.



Website : Adamson University Computer Science

Website :

Adamson Computer Science Website

Adamson Computer Science Website

During my school days at college. I was given the privileged to developed the website of our department. The Computer Science Website.

It manages the following features:

  1. Online Announcements
  2. Online Lectures
  3. Shout Box
  4. Students Enrolled
  5. Accounts For Each Students
  6. Poll
  7. Jobs Available
  8. Download Wallpapers
  9. Download Documents

WEBSITE : Transportation Method Using Modified Stepping Stone


During my school days, I, together with my co leagues, had develop one website for Operational Research.  The said website was develop as part of their finals for the said subject.

Its main goal is to easily compute optimized number of items to be delivered to a particular location. Or what ever the purpose of using the transportation method using modified stepping stone in the area of Operational Research.

Again you are free to use the website for any purpose. Hope it help you.

The said website were developed by:

  • Thomie Jose San Agustin
  • Calbin Montalban
  • Kevin Stephen Muñoz