Category Archives: ASP Classic

MSSQL Grant Execute Stored Procedure only

There are cases that we only want to grant read-write only access then also enable users to execute stored procedure with in the SQL Server database.

In order to do this we will need to:

  1. Create a new Role named, db_exec_storedprocedure

    CREATE ROLE db_exec_storedprocedure
  2. Grant that role with execute stored procedure

    GRANT EXECUTE TO db_exec_storedprocedure
  3. Then add the user as a member of that role.

That’s it you can now grant specific permission to execute stored procedure.

God Bless!

ASP Classic Show Their Error Message

Hi There!

Have you get a notifications when ever you experience an error on your script. Especially when you getthe error message:

An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator

If you are developing ASP Classic in IIS 7.+ make sure that your ASP Classic show their error message and not the message above. This will help you in your development especially when an error occurs. This same situation happen to us when developing the said Scripting Language and IIS 7.+ default its error showing message to false. To modify this just follow this steps:

  1. Go to your IIS Manger.
  2. Select the ASP Icon.
  3. Under the Compilation Table open the Debugging Properties
  4. Make the Send Errors to Browser to TRUE