Tag Archives: installation

PhoneGap Installation Guide – Windows


Since we need to have a guide for our teammate I have decided that instead of teaching how to install one by one to my colleagues I will create an online user guide so that any other person online that will be also looking for guide will also have the help that they need. So lets get started.



Installation Guide

  1. Install JDK, just proceed with standard installation process.
  2. Install Android Studio, just proceed with standard installation process. Please note that during the installation phase it will also download the Android SDK with is more than 3GB. PLEASE NOTE OF THE SDK INSTALLATION FOLDER AS THIS WILL BE USED ON LATER PROCEDURE.
  3. Install Aptana, just proceed with standard installation process. Please also note that during installation phase it will also download some prerequisite application including Node.js& Git
  4. Go to START and look for Command Prompt and run it as Administrator.
  5. Type the command below and press enter and wait for the installation process to finish. It will take a while depending on your internet connection.
    npm install -g cordova
    npm install -g proto-list
    npm install -g os-tmpdir
    npm install -g os-homedir
    npm install -g are-we-there-yet
    npm install -g gauge
    npm install -g ansi
    npm install -g is-absolute
    npm install -g asap
    npm install -g minimatch
    npm install -g path-is-absolute
    npm install -g validate-npm-package-license
    npm install -g is-builtin-module
    npm install -g concat-stream
    npm install -g json-parse-helpfulerror
    npm install -g block-stream
    npm install -g fstream-ignore
    npm install -g readdir-scoped-modules
    npm install -g debuglog
    npm install -g lodash._baseflatten
    npm install -g lodash._baseuniq
    npm install -g lodash.restparam
    npm install -g unique-slug
    npm install -g phonegap
  6. After the installation close all window.
  7. Restart your Machine.
  8. Go to your SDK folder that is indicated during the installation of the Android Studio.
  9. Run SDK Manager and install most of the needed SDK, you may install all the SDK if you want to be sure. It will take a while to install depending on your internet connection.
  10. Run AVD Manager and create a virtual device.
  11. You may now proceed with the creation of your PhoneGap app.


You may also want to take note the following update on the Environment Variable if it is needed on your side.

JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_79
